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If you’ve attended a sporting event recently, you have undoubtedly seen and heard that when play stops, the yelling at and berating of officials begins.  This behavior has no place at any level, especially youth sports.

Angry parents are often cited as one of the top reasons why kids choose to drop out of sports. This also affects officials. The total number of sport officials across the country has been shrinking, and new entrants to the field are becoming less and less.

A recent survey was conducted by the organization Officially Human. The survey, which attracted nearly 19,000 responses from youth and high school sport officials, indicates that the problem is only getting worse.  The men, women, and teenagers that officiate do so due to their love of sport, and they want to give back to their community.  Unfortunately, the increasing abuse that they receive is diminishing their love of sport to the point that they no longer want to work the games.

In communities across the country, games are being canceled due to the shortage of officials. It is at the point that all constituents bear the responsibility of fixing this problem, and it starts with everyone becoming, or being held, accountable for their own behavior.  The time is now for all of us to realize that officials are human and their existence and hard work at sporting events allows all of us to enjoy the games that we love.

So next time you feel like saying something.  How about thanking your official for being at the field so your son/daughter could have their game?  Focus on the positives, as you should do with your own athlete, and in life.

Thank you,

The PCBS board